In the newest season of Uncover, host Lisa Bryn Rundle unravels the history of a moral hysteria that took root across North America. Throughout the 1980s, Satanic cults were widely believed to be preying on children — torturing and terrorizing them as part of dark rituals. Across Canada and the U.S., there were hundreds of false allegations, scores of unjust criminal trials and countless lives torn apart. But never any real proof. By the early '90s, the panic reached the tiny Prairie town of Martensville, Saskatchewan. And nearly 30 years later, the people touched by it all are still picking up the pieces. So what happened? And why do so many still believe to this day?
Satanic Panic - Trailer
'It was such a perfect place'
'It was hell'
‘You got to be friggin’ kidding me’
‘There is still time to wake up'
The Many Martensvilles
‘I remember telling them nothing happened to me’
What good can come of this?
Hidden Messages, Backmasking and the Satanic Panic